Amulet: The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi

Pawn Shop by Joey Esposito and Sean Van Gorman

Based on this cover alone I probably never would have picked up this graphic novel, it just doesn't draw my attention. I chose to request this eARC based on the synopsis "Pawn Shop is an original graphic novel about the intertwining lives of four strangers in the ecosystem of New York City, connected by the streets they walk on and the people they touch." I love NYC and stories that are told from different points of view but are all connected. This graphic novel has lovely art by Sean Van Gorman and was a quick read.
They're Not Like Us by Eric Stephenson, Simon Gane, and Jordie Bellaire

This graphic novel was kind of confusing to me at the beginning. It feels like it starts in the middle of a scene and you have no background to understand the motivations of the characters. I can understand the merit of starting it that way because it does grab your attention and draws you in but it was kind of confusing to me. I do really like the diversity of the characters and the story is certainly interesting because of the relationships between these characters. This series is basically about a group of people who have various types of telepathy from the ability to read minds to the ability to see the future and how these people cope with being different than the "normals" around them.