Review Policy and Star Ratings

Below you will find information on my review policy - the what, when, and how's of asking me to review your book, if you do that sort of thing - and a small legend for what my star ratings mean (though my written reviews are far more comprehensive than a group of stars could ever be).

Review Policy

I am currently open to receiving advance reading copies and review copies of books. At this time I am only accepting physical books and could possibly be open to audiobooks. I am a huge proponent for indie and self published authors so I am also open to reviewing books published from sources outside of the major publishing houses.

When emailing me, please include the summary, the release date, and a picture of the cover. Any links to further information would be appreciated as well such as author websites, press kits, or other related content. Please do not send quotes from other reviewers about your book.

Please be aware that by accepting or receiving your book I cannot guarantee that it will be read immediately or posted on the blog immediately. I try my best to read and review books in a timely manner, but please understand that I  have other books that I am committed to reading and reviewing as well. If you have a time frame that you would like the review to be published in, please let me know as that will also be an influence in my decision to review your book as I would need to be sure that I can commit to that timeline. If the book is an ARC copy, I will try to publish the review on or around the release date.

All reviews published on The Bookish Hollow will be my honest opinion about the book and could contain negative comments regarding the book. Reviews will not be malicious however any problems I have with the book will be explained in a respectful manner. Please understand that I will not write a glowing review just because the book was sent to me. I want to provide an informative and honest review of the books that I read to help readers know what to expect from the book.
I am more than happy to host author interviews, giveaways, and other promotional events, but sometimes may have to decline due to conflicting events or lack of time. I would also be interested in guest blogging on another book related blog, just contact me.

I am not a paid blogger and the vast majority of the books I review were purchase by me. I enjoy reading and reviewing books and sharing my love for books with others.

Star Ratings

★                                      = I didn't like it at all
★★                                  = It was okay, really not what I expected
★★★                              = I liked it, but it had many flaws
★★★★                          = I loved it, but it could have still been better
★★★★★                      = I LOVED IT! Minor issues (if any) were outweighed by epicness!

1 comment:

  1. You have been nominated for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award, from Laura@125Pages. Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award
