Saturday, October 3, 2015

Get to Know Me | Questions and Answers (#1)

Hello All! I've been wanting to do a Q&A/ get to know me kind of post for a while now just to help you get to know me more. Thanks to those who have asked questions on Instagram! Lets start with some basics: my name is Amanda, I am 24 years old, and I teach middle school science.

A few people may remember my Instagram started as @amandareads21 in January of 2015. I started the separate Instagram account specifically for my book pictures because I wanted to share them with people that would appreciate them and the friends and family that follow my personal IG just weren't the audience I was going for. Then I started thing that my username was pretty generic and didn't represent me the way I wanted it to so I wanted to go by a different username and create a stronger presence within the bookstagram community. So, in June after BookCon I made the change, I started this blog for my reviews, called it The Bookish Hollow, and started "making a name for myself" under the new handle. I love sharing pictures and reviews of the books I read and I have thoroughly enjoyed this past year of sharing my reading with you. Now, on the the questions you sent!

First book you read? - thebookishangel 
I am not really sure. The first books I remember reading in Elementary school were Eric Carle books (I loved Brown Bear, Brown Bear) and the Magic Tree House books. I was also a huge Scholastic book fair nut and was a member of the Magic Tree House and Dear America book clubs.

What book got you into reading? - fictionandtea
Matilda by Roald Dahl!

Do you have any siblings who are obsessed with books? Where are you from? - fictionandpages 
I have a 30 year old brother that is not a fan of reading, so unfortunately no. I don't really have much family that is into reading. My mom has read some things that I have forced on her. I make up for the lack of bookishness in my family by having friends that love to read books and the people I know through bookstagram/blogging of course! I live in the state of Delaware in the U.S.

How old are you? - rosexblood 
I am 24 years old! I am a 90's baby and the song Unbelievable by Owl City featuring Hanson is my theme song! Plus Hanson is my jam!

How has your life changed by having a bookstagram and blog? - livthebooknerd 
This is a really interesting question! My life hasn't changed too much really. I spend a little more time taking pictures of the books I am reading and buying and chatting with other 'grammers. I also put more effort into my reviews to make them interesting to read. I have also been able to get some galley's from a local bookstore and NetGalley.

Who's your favorite book villian? - samreadstoomuch 
Hmmm... I really love to hate Count Olaf from A Series of Unfortunate Events and Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter Series.

Favorite series/show? - maddiejo3l 
Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, House, Sherlock, Supernatural, and Criminal Minds are just a few of my current favorite TV shows. My all time favorite TV shows are probably Lizzie McGuire and Boy Meets World.

Book that surprised me the most this year? - sarenasashabooks 
I have read many a good book this year and could say that they have all surprised me in some way or another but to narrow it down I have 3 different ways to answer this question...
  1. The "no words/please leave me to my tears" book - I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson and My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga 
  2. The "holy plot twist, Batman" book - Damage Done by Amanda Panitch
  3. The "overwhelmed by awesomeness" book - Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Favorite Book Adaptation? - totoro_books
The Hunger Games movies are probably my favorites! I love the HP adaptations and The Fault in Our Stars but I think The Hunger Games movies have been consistently the best!

What are your opinions on ARCs, do you think they give blogger status? - booksbyvale
I enjoy getting access to the few ARCs that I do get and I kind of enjoy getting early access to new books. I don't particularly like that ARCs are given out for some sequels just because if it is an establish series or the first book was well received then I feel like the sequels should be kept from everyone. I do think that bloggers that receive lots of ARCs do gain a bit of status but so have the booktubers. I don't really care about the status of ARCs I just enjoy getting a first look and be able to recommend some new books to people. I would still blog even if I didn't get to review a few ARCs.

What do you and your favorite book hero/heroine have in common? - booksbyvale
Hands down my favorite protagonist is Matilda! I connected a lot with her when I was younger being the bookish loner that I was. I loved her bravery and though my family is nothing like hers I connected with how books were her escape and school was what I looked forward to, even with the bullies.

If your question wasn't answered here then I may have already answered it or I am saving it for it's own post! Thank you all so much for asking such wonderful questions! If you have a question you would like me to answer next time, please comment down below!


  1. Aww I really enjoyed reading this. I love getting to know the person behind their blog/account.
